Don’t Pick Up the Phone:
Me: Hello?
Random Dude (RD): Hey how are you, Cat.
Me: Uhm, fine…Who is this?
RD: Jon, Joe, Rick (some nickname)
Me: Oh… Where do I know you from?
RD: Here, there, everywhere (okay, not the exact words but something universal or something so vague I still am not too sure).
Me: Ohhhkaaay. Thinks to self- But seriously who is this guy? What does he want from me?
And cut
So, this has happened to me in text, email and phone format on several occasions. Some person who I met or knew who I gave my number to ions ago calls me and picks things up like I just spoke to them the other day. Then they get a bit insulted when I don’t remember them. Well… if I haven’t spoken to you since before Dave Chappelle went on his mecca then you should assume you need to start from scratch again. Surprising, I know, but I actually know a lot of people and can’t, for some crazy reason, remember every Tom, Dick, and Harry that I’ve met in the past. And I know at some point we probably did communicate and were cool but we fell off and went our own ways and I, in an effort to save space/memory, deleted your number or email. So when you call me a century later I don’t know who you are.
Me: Hello?
Random Dude (RD): Hey how are you, Cat.
Me: Uhm, fine…Who is this?
RD: Jon, Joe, Rick (some nickname)
Me: Oh… Where do I know you from?
RD: Here, there, everywhere (okay, not the exact words but something universal or something so vague I still am not too sure).
Me: Ohhhkaaay. Thinks to self- But seriously who is this guy? What does he want from me?
And cut
So, this has happened to me in text, email and phone format on several occasions. Some person who I met or knew who I gave my number to ions ago calls me and picks things up like I just spoke to them the other day. Then they get a bit insulted when I don’t remember them. Well… if I haven’t spoken to you since before Dave Chappelle went on his mecca then you should assume you need to start from scratch again. Surprising, I know, but I actually know a lot of people and can’t, for some crazy reason, remember every Tom, Dick, and Harry that I’ve met in the past. And I know at some point we probably did communicate and were cool but we fell off and went our own ways and I, in an effort to save space/memory, deleted your number or email. So when you call me a century later I don’t know who you are.
But here’s the deal. There are people I haven’t spoken to in ages whose numbers I keep. The people I delete are usually people I 1) never got close enough to to program their numbers in my cell phone or 2) deleted because I have no intentions of ever talking to them again. But I guess I kind of screw myself over because then I can’t be weary of them should they call again. Friends I know do the whole replace their name with “Do Not Answer” or “A Jerk is Calling” etc. This way they know that whoever the caller is you should not answer. I need to get on that bandwagon because I’ve fallen victim to the mystery caller/texter/emailer on too many occasions.
And then I have to ask myself, Self, why have you given your number to so many crazy people that this keeps happening to you? I mean, I have a fake name and all to get by the crazies but yet they keep busting in!
Hear ye, Hear ye, A new rule will be put in place in Cat’s dating world- Don’t delete numbers, just give guys brief descriptions so you will never be a phone/email victim again!
Other stuff that bugs me:
Car honkers.
I hate people who get mad at me for moving in front of them AFTER I signal. I’m just doing what I said I was going to do so don’t get mad and honk your car. I could have been ignorant and just cut in front of you with no warning. I made sure there was plenty of space before I moved in front of you so if you decide to speed up all too late don’t be angry. It’s called sharing the road you bamma! I will not give other drivers the finger, I will not give other drivers the finger...
This weather
I am over it! Down with the cold, on with the shinning of the sun. This was a punk winter (I got no snow days from work!) we should at least get some early spring like weather. I am trying to retire my pea coat. Let’s make it happen!
But something I'm thankful for:
My shows are back on TV! I am gearing up for my law and order - SVU and my Grey's Anatomy! Yippee
Since I'm neither a crazy nor have I ever given my number to a crazy I'll disregard the first part of this blog. Moving on...
This morning Candi and I are in the car on our way to work when, after I had been blinking for about 6 days, I try to get over and the Superturd who I was trying to get in front of speeds up. A small rage came over me and I just wanted to floor it, damage to my car (or his safety) be damned. But I came to my senses. Moving on...
Why is it so effing cold? It's April, I shouldn't be able to see my breath when I'm outside. This is inexcusable. I thoguht the globe was warming.
When I moved from home, my mother kept my phone number. Periodically, old acquaintances would call out of the blue just "to see how you were doing". One guy showed up at my mom's house looking for me. Actually, that was before I moved out. But I hadn't spoke to that bum in over 3 years at that point. I thought he was dead! (long story).
I suppose they were going through their old address book, seeing if they could get a little something, something 'cause they were lonely at the moment. As if!! Especially if I haven't heard from you in who knows how long.
The car honkers are too much. It's like they use the horn for a brake. I'm bad, but I usually just end up not giving any notice. As soon as I put on that turn signal, they can't control themselves, they have to speed up. It's the principle of the matter.
The weather, ahhhh. Two days so far of simply beautiful weather. I hope you have been enjoying it because I heard it is suppose to rain tomorrow. Just in time for the weekend.
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