Their mother has a lot on her hands-
16 year old little sis to Brittney Spears is knocked up! A high school student who lives in Louisiana, Jamie Lynn Spears reportedly met the father, Casey Aldridge, the son of a Tennessee papermill worker, at church.

Apparently they weren’t paying attention to the sermons!
Hmm is it a coincidence that this happens to be the final season of her Nickelodeon show (no did not know that on my own, it was in Yahoo Entertainment, I do have my limits on what I watch!)
New York New York- Choose Tailor-made over Buda. I actually agreed with this one because Buda was reminiscent of Tango from first season and New York can’t handle a "man's man" (albiet a little urban).

You gets no love from me-

“Because nothing says I love you like a Glock”.- News says that Drew Peterson bought his currently missing wife a gun for Valentines Day. Seriously? I can tell you many other things that say I love you- jewelry, flowers, nice dinner… Hmm, I wonder if he’s guilty?

Side note, not that I don’t think they should keep coverage of a missing person in the media, but I am ever so slightly annoyed that they don’t do this for people of color, is it seriously all about race and class? So if you’re a black, broke person who’s missing, you’re as good as dead?
Oh and to the ass who stole a guy's wheel chair while he was using the bathroom at a Walmart in Hagerstown, MD- special place in hell for you buddy- that is so not Christmas!
New York picked Tailor Made (I wasn't following this season) and is living with him?
Get out!
I seriously can't even picture her home with anyone's child and ya know, being normal.
Can someone please explain what all the hoopla is surrounding the Jamie Lynn Spears story? She's having a baby and yes, she's only 16 but it's not the end of the world people. I was reading feedback today from parents who were distraught. I understand children watch her show and look at her as a role model but just because she's a celebrity doesn't mean she's perfect. Just because you sit your children in front of the tube doesn't make it her job to teach your children right from wrong.
One women said it's sad that Jamie Lynn doesn't want to give the baby up for adoption. Why should she? She's not the first and won't be the last teenager to get pregnant. I don't know about her mental and emotional state but she's financially better off then most homes with two working parents. One man mentioned rape (Spears,16 and Aldridge,18.) Oh yeah that'll fix everything. Let's lock up the unborn child's father. That'll teach them. It was consensual teenage sex people. There's always at least one asshole who feels a boycott is necessary. She wants to boycott the Spears family and Nickelodeon. She literally wants us to write to Nickelodeon and tell them we will no longer allow that station to be viewed on any electronic device in our home. I'm still trying to figure out what that will solve.
This message goes out to all the uptight socker moms, the opinionated prudes, and the board stiff fogies. Nobody's perfect. Stop looking at celebrities as role models and then condemning them when they make a "mistake" Stop blaming the outside world for the shit that goes on in your houshold. Turn your pointed fingers around and shut the hell up. Thnx.
Im done.
Wow, a glock for Valentine's Day? Things that make you go, hmmmmm.
I haven't really paid much attention to this story. I, too, am getting a bit frustrated with the fact the class and race pays such a role in how much broadcast time a missing person report gets. They just stopped talking about that girl missing in Arubba. They would have gave up on our poor, black asses months ago. Having said that, I think broadcast time also gets determined at how sensational the surrounding story appears to be. Can it keep the audiences attention? Can there be possible movies rights? Book rights? I think there has already be a movie made about Lacy Peterson's disappearance. It's just sad.
I heard about Jamie Lynn. I admit that it probably wasn't the best thing to happen to her image wise. However, all these people that are having all these conniptions over the situation is ridiculous. Boycotts?!? Come on!!! I know raising a child isn't easy, but we parents can't keep blaming the media for our shortcomings. We've got to raise our kids with enough morals and ethics to know right from wrong, to be leaders of their own person, not just following what they see on TV.
I don't care for Tailor Made but he's better than Buddah! Now he insists upon himself...
Jamie Lynn Spears is an idiot. Why was she so shocked that she got pregnant? It's a pretty simple biological process. If she did nothing to interrupt said process, then why the surprise? Just a thought. Boycotting, are we? Interesting. Adoption? That chick is 16 and probably makes more than my annual salary in the time it took you to read this sentence! Are you kidding me? Very effective. By the way -- I wonder what the over-under is on their break-up? Odds can't be in her favor.
Tailor-Made was Bitch-Made, in my eyes.. and she wouldn't have it any other way. She couldn't stand having a man around that could put her crazy, 7:20 ass in place. I hope he bought her a bigger brain. Buddha was gangsta -- but probably a lil too gangsta. She would've said something dumb and taken an uppercut for troubles.
Wesley Snipes is an idiot. Unless he made $0 and paid no mortgage payments for 5 years, nothing he can say to me right now will make any sense. Was it also racist that you were asked to do To Wong Foo: Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar (which you somehow accepted)?
The gun was simply another one of those "I'll buy this and pretend it's for you when I'm really going to use it to kill you" gifts. Unfortunately, it appears to have worked like a charm. Question: For her birthday, he didn't happen to get her a roll of duct tape & gift certificate for the shooting range, did he?
[Mo]: LMAO! Sounds like a "Family Guy" reference to me -- and that's just peachy.
yeah it was a family guy reference but it so fits for Tailor made!
This is totally off topic but I wanted to tell you that y'all inspired me to get out there and blog. Here's my site
oops, I didn't give my real name in prev post. It's Linnea from the Broads
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