Monday, March 21, 2011
Movin on Up
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Music on my Mind this Month
Kings of Leon- I loves a little rock and his voice is a bit soulful, I don't know, I'm feeling it.
Use Somebody
Carolina- another rock one but I take it as a bit of Christian rock, not sure if they meant it to be taken that way.
Show Me What I'm Looking For
Kid Cudi with Kanye and Common - Not always into the current rap stuff unless you have some Common in it!
I Make Her Say
Eric Hutchinson- soulish pop. I like his sound. I like his Rock and Roll song, its been out a while now but still posting.
Count down begins

So I have three, count em, three more weeks until I pick my crap up and move from the fair city of Bmore. Ah, Baltimore, Smaltimore, Baldmore, Bmore we had our fun. I shall not hate on you, you and I just were not a good fit. Funny though, as I talk to my DC friends, some a bit snobby about Baltimore (I'm still taken off guard by how many folk think Baltimore is mostly like The Wire, I'm kind of pissed at that series because of that), I can't help but defend the city. Although I didn't grow up in the city , I did make it my home for the last 4 plus years. It is much more than the crime that some out of towners seemed to think. We have the fabulous art and music scene here. Artscape is nationally known and Rolling Stone even rated Bmore number one in the music scene (yep we beat out New York can you believe it?). It has many nice residential areas and it's pretty diverse (although a bit separated). It's small but unpretentious.
I gave it a good college try. Joined many organizations, volunteered, went to local events, checked out the many types of night life. I really feel its going to be a great town some day soon. But for me, it's time to bid it adieu. As I tell folk I'm moving towards the DC area they smile and say good choice. Not one person, besides my dad who wants me to be closer to the family, says I shouldn't do it. I know DC has it's faults. The male to female ratio is not so great and DC guys can be pretty pretentious and superficial. However, the Maryland and Northern VA guys are a bit different and I'm not deterred (not as if I was living the single life here). Anyway, I'm moving for more than just a new single scene. I'm moving for a total change. I don't want to be in the same place in my thirties as I am in my twenties (except for the no wrinkles thing). Change is good. And most good things don't happen without taking a little risk so here I go! To make the most of this change, I will join new groups and try new things and keep you posted (as entertainment for you and as a way to hold myself accountable to actually do new things). Wish me luck!
Image from
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Keeping it short.
Here are some of my favorite MJ videos/songs (not only the king of pop but the king of videos)
Remember the Time - tried so hard to do those dances
Billie Jean- loved the little light up sidewalk, didn't know what the song was about at the time really
Beat It- I think I tried to do the fight/dance scene with my sister when I was younger
Smooth Criminal- Think I actually rented the little movie that was the extension of this song when I was little
The Way You Make Me Feel- I wanted to be that girl walking down the street (although the whole situation in real life was kind of dangerous)
Honorable Mentions
You Rock My World- I loved Chris Tucker in it and of course the dancing
Thriller - of course
Black or White- not my favorite song but loved seeing all the colors of people
In the Closet- thought I could be Naomi Campbell haha
No Video but gotta add Human Nature, Can You Feel It, Ben (sure it was about a rat, but it was sweet)
Rest in peace Mike- you are surely missed!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Best Buddy Comedies

"According to the Journal of Popular Film and Television, buddy films emerged in the 1970s in response to the feminist movement. The journal reported, "To punish women for their desire for equality, the buddy film pushes them out of the center of the narrative and replaces the traditional central romantic relationship between a man and a woman with a buddy relationship between two men. By making both protagonists men, the central issue of the film becomes the growth and development of their friendship. Women as potential love interests are thus either eliminated from the narrative space or pushed into the background as side characters.""
Could women really do a comedy where finding love is merely a backdrop to the friendship? Other than my beloved Sex and the City of course- that's kind of a female buddy comedy but still it's not the same as, well here's a list of some of my favorites:
- Wedding Crashers- Vince Vaughn made this movie and he's tops at buddy comedies
(Swingers was entertaining).
- Ghost Busters- it may not count but I think their friendship was key and it was funny to me. I still like watching it.
- Old School- a bunch of dudes getting together to make a grown up post college fraternity. And it has Will Ferrell (also loved Anchorman)
- I Love Yo
u Man- It's really all about friendship and was very entertaining
- Superbad- teen buddy comedy, so funny
- Tropic Thunder- may not be under that category but its an all ma
le cast, being funny, growing by the end of the movie, so falls under it in my book
- Stir Crazy- Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder-comic fun during the eighties
- Bad Boys- falls under action but still focuses on their friendship/partnership with lots of laughs
- Shaun
of the Dead- a funny British horror/buddy comedy
- Orange County- My first Jack Black film which I really liked
Any others? I know there are so many more. Hmm, time to get writing on my screenplay.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Just wondering...

If we didn’t have the TV or the internet what kind of lives would we lead? Would we do things differently? Pursue alternative careers? Take up a hobby? Be more environmentally conscious and able (ie, know how to build, grow foods).
Why is this weather so crappy? If I wanted to live in a rainy, cloudy, humid city I’d have moved to Seattle, at least I heard it’s a pretty cool city!
Why, even after all this time, are there still no minority lead TV shows on network/non cable television? Seriously, you got to pay to find “ethnic” stars nowadays.
I’m beginning to have a feeling we might go to war with North Korea, it’s the first time I actually am not against a war in my life time (I’m feeling some kind of way about the American journalist being locked up and sentenced for 12 years for inadvertently crossing the North Korean border. One is a mother of a young child and the other has chronic health issues).
Why is it that with this economy hotels to certain cities are still pricey even though the flights to them have gone down? Great, I can get there, but where the heck am I going to stay?
Why is it that DC/MD/VA have some of the highest ticket prices and harshest ticketing in the country? I just got a $100 one for a camera speeding. With all the tickets I’ve paid I have hardly any room to give to another charity, I already give to a Federal and State one on what seems a monthly basis. I thought I had free parking but I’m paying a fee anyway…
Why is it that some people are small boned and others are big boned? What is the evolutionary significance? I get why there are differences in the races or why people are tall or short due to environmental adaption but I wonder why some of us are naturally bigger than others from jump start.
Just wondering…
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
No one on the corner got swagga like us
However, my girls and I thought if were ever actually asked by a guy for some dating advice it would be for a guy to get some swag! A guy with swag can turn his dating value up several notches. Some guys, who've I told this to, seem to believe that it means women only want a bad boy. But there is a difference between a bad boy and a good guy with some self confidence and charm.
I liken the need for swagger in a guy to that of a woman looking her best. You need something to intrigue the opposite sex. If a woman went out to the bar with a muu-muu, a head scarf and bushy eyebrows no one is checking her. To me that's equivalent to a guy with no swagger. A guy has to be able to pull in a woman with a charming personality to get her attention. If he's just sitting there blending in the backdrop with a goofy smile he more than likely won't get a second look.
He doesn't need to be a player or give out any game. He can be a nice, sweet guy but he has to have some bravado, that thing that can make a girl think "okay, this guy is fun" or "this guy has my back, can protect me" or "this guy is interesting I want to know more". He has to have something in addition to being able to open the door for you and paying for your dinner.
That's just my two cents.