My neighbor is testing my small amount of patience. She has a different person living in her house everytime I look. And by person, I mean dude. Now I don’t judge but the best way to keep your life to yourself is to be quiet about it and that chick doesn’t. I’m already tramatized enough when I awoke to her having "relations" one night (and I heard it all, had I had a gun that night it would have been an ugly scene).
Then her and random dude wanna try again last night. These walls are paper thin, they have to know that, so how disrespectful of them. I’ve already gone up to complain before so they (I say they because every time I’ve knocked on her door a different guy answers instead of her, it got to the point I doubted she even lived there anymore and that maybe some guys took over the one bedroom) know they need to be a little more thoughtful with the noise control but I wasn’t in any mood to leave my aparment in the middle of the night to complain again and doubt they would be please with me “interrupting them”. So in my best passive aggressive way I politely began to hammer my walls like a crack head in the middle of the night.
Low and behold that got their attention but I dared them to come to my apartment with a complaint. I had my speech all ready in my head. It would begin with me not realizing they could hear me hammering my christmas decorations to the wall above the noise they were making. I would be nice and tell them that perhaps we both need to be more considerate of each other to avoid this problem again.
I’m at the point where my sleep is getting deprived and I’m waking up with bags under my eyes. No longer is sleeping in my comfortable queen sized bed a wonderful expereince. Instead I dread going to sleep for fear of being awaken (as usually occurs for the past two months) to her getting it on, her dog running around, her and random dude yelling at each other or watching TV or playing music loudly.
My patience is wearing thin. The noise usually occurs in the middle of the night so I hate to leave my apartment then. I usually seek revenge by being as loud as possible in the morning (but not sure if sound travels up as she lives above me). I’ve been quiet lately as I have devised a plan. I will complain once more to her during day light hours of noise the previous night. Should this not resolve I will complaint to my landlord who is buddy buddy with her so doubt it will do much good. Finally I will bring in the cops! Lastly, I will tell said landlord that I have found employment in another state and get out of my lease (which he said he would not penalize me for if such occurred) and move.
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2 months ago
I have very noisey neighbers too and that is annoying as all get out!
People need to be more considerate of their neighbors
This reminds me of my apartment days. The family above me didn't know how to do anything without being noisy. No consideration at all. They argued loudly, they "related" loudly. So loudly, I may as well been in the same room!!! I heard practically everything. And being in a house doesn't seem to save me. People are just so inconsiderate.
Time to move.
I live in a townhouse so I try to be considerate of my neighbors but sometimes you just have to holla.
Well, hopefully things will work out or you find a new place to live.
My neighbors blast reggae music at the most unconscionable hours. It has taken everything in me not to bust the windows on that damn house.
You should get a copy of "Debbie Does Dallas" or an audio recording of beluga whales mating and turn your surround sound way up. That should scare her straight.
Hey there,
What about ear plugs?
Go to a store where construction workers buy their ear plugs for work. It may cost more than the drug store kinds but at least you know they work well!!
Check the lease for a noise clause and report them every time to the management office and put it in writing that they violated the terms of the lease.... they will get mad and move when they start getting fined!
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