Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Not Milk?

I got this picture off of The Center for Food Safety and thought it was humorous. After hearing the today show talk about how the FDA has now approved the use of milk and meats from cloned animals I had to do some digging. Furthermore, not only is it out there, but the FDA doesn’t require seller’s to label the food that comes form clones! I’m still a little skeptical about the whole cloning thing. I mean I guess it can solve a food shortage or help amputees but still… I guess the issue is, I’d like the right to decide whether I’m drinking milk from clone XJ9 instead of Betsy the cow. I guess the underlying thought is that if people had a choice they’d go for Betsy over XJ9. People are already putting out petitions about the lack of labeling. Since cloning is so new I think people are right to be concerned about it all. Especially when we’re talking about eating such things. I just am still a bit freaked out that we’re even cloning things now! How Jetsons is that!

And in other news…

The Maryland legislature will begin meeting today to decide whether hanging a noose should be considered a hate crime. Well… initially I want to say hell to the yes. But then I wonder is the act itself of hanging anything on someone’s door or in car or cubicle area a crime? My understanding of hate crimes as they are now is that someone is already doing something illegal to another (beating them up, harassing them), if they are doing it due to race then the crime jumps to a hate crime. So I guess if the noose destroys property or is seen as a form of harassment (which in my mind it is what with it’s racial history, although I admit to hanging my roommates favorite stuff animal by a noose our freshman year of college, she was white by the way, I apologize), the argument should be yes! Hanging a noose should be added as a hate crime in my humble opinion.

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