It's 2009 and we are seeing more and more interracial couples. Heck, a good number of my family and friends are in interracial couplings (black female/white male mix). I've never cared about such things (I fancy myself and Equal Opportunity Dater). Although there are way more black men/ white women couplings, I am beginning to have a sneaking suspicion that this will change. I am seeing more and more black women with white men.

Why? As I stated in my previous post, I do believe that money and education differences between black women and men play a large factor. However, despite the stereotypes, I find many educated black women are willing to date black men not on their pay or education scale. I have most of my life, with no problems as long as there wasn't a drastic difference. However, even that willingness doesn't help the fact that there are still so few eligible black men who also want to get married.
So then what?A lot of black women are starting to explore "something new". And for most it seems to be working. But what about society's view? My thought would be that black men would not care if more black women started dating white men because so many black men date white women? All's fair right?
Not so, I still am surprised by the amount of disapproving looks, comments and behaviors I get from black men for dating a white guy (I haven't noticed anything, yet, from other groups). I can't lump people all together. I know that those disapprovers aren't necessarily dating white women themselves but still, they know the deal. For every black woman/white male couple there are at least 5 black man/white woman couples.
And with the percentage of unwed black women being around 40% (dramatically higher than all other racial groups) can you blame a woman for saying, "the hell with this, let me see what else is out there"?. Black women, largely raise kids out of wedlock, in fact, I venture to say it's the

We've come to accept seeing black men with white women but is this so for the other way around. Is the black woman/ white man still a rare line that few are willing to cross? There is history

I don't know, as much as I would like to, I'm not ready to believe that interracial dating is a union to go lightly into. I always bring up race and have frank discussions about it when I'm dating a man outside of my race. I'm a firm believer in the couple discussing race with no hold backs instead of ignoring it. Being color blind makes us blind to the real issues. I want the other to know our differences and decide on whether we can accept them even if others can't.
Personally, I don't think I would date a white man.
I have been approached by white men who I think are sincere in their intention of wanting to date me, but I just can't picture myself with a white man.
Honestly, I am not attracted to men lighter than myself. So, light black men get turned down too.
Actually, I have a taste for dark men.
Okay back to this.
I was one of those people who was against interracial dating. I use to frown on couples who did it. And sometimes I do find myself frowning on black men w/white women.
Black women w/white men doesn't seem to bother me as bad, but I still am not as accepting. (that word really isn't right).
This is a funny thing since I am a product of an interracial union.
However, I would not preach to my children to not date people of other races.
If a white/japanese/indian man makes my daughter happy why should I try to steal her joy?
And if someone finds love with another of a different race they too are entitled to have their joy.
Everyone else should mind their business. . .including me.
Personally I say live and let live.
Interracial coupling b/w any race doesnt bother me. Being happy with your s.o. is more important than what color they are.
Well, clearly its not an issue for me since I'm engaged to a white man but in my personal experience, I haven't felt it brought any drama. Sure we may get looks (which I'm usually oblivious to) and I've had a few comments thrown my way, but I laugh them off.
Anyone who feels the need to make a snide remark about my happiness and love has more issues than I do and are worse off than me.
Let 'em sneer, I won't lose any sleep over it. In fact, I'll be snuggled up warm and cozy with the love of my life.
Real love is too hard to come by these days; if you find it, GRAB IT!
Great post! I'm definitely open to love - in whatever package it may come wrapped in. However, I must agree with you. There does seem to be a double standard. Many black men do NOT like seeing a sistah with a white man (and this could be a black man that dates everything but a black woman - LOL).
Part of me thinks it's an ego/macho thing (i.e. the men are supposed to get to do whatever they want, including date white women, but THEIR women (read: black women) are supposed to stay at home - race wise - and never step out). Pure BS!
Hey I don't discriminate. I say to each their own. I mean I have a personal preference that I prefer black women. But if the next man wants a white girl or next girl wants a white man I say do you. It's 2009 it shouldn't matter as long as you're with someone that makes you happy.
Hey, I say don't discrimihate -- congratulate and procreate!
You just might birth the next Halle Berry, Mariah Carey, Alicia Keys... mmm mmmm!
You know, I should stop that list right now before I get too excited.
I definitely don't hate on black women dating or marrying white men. As long as the two of them are happy and can weather the storm of haters from both races, then that's a beautiful thing. A black woman that is with a white man is not doing me a disservice because there are still just as many of them out there looking for an eligible black man like myself.
My business partners are a mixed couple. She is black and he is white and they are beautiful together. My brother is married to a white woman. Personally I love black women and that's all I've ever loved and to me there's nothing better than the love and respect that only a black woman can give-I guess white men are finding that out now too.....lol.
I am a white ma who adore's women period However, I prefer a blck woman to lay next to me and make love to me. I want to smother her with comfort, Laughs and good times. this is my preferece. I also say to all the haters. wake up and find someone to love, Your life will change and make the world a better place.Good Luck to everyone in their quest for happiness.
The whole stigma against interracial couples is so tired... should Obama's parents not have produced him? Should Halle Berry's parents not have produced her? Tiger Woods? Mariah Carey? I mean, please... People need to get over it and move our human race forward, instead of joining all those with hang-ups that hinder our collective progress.
I am a black woman married to a white guy. We too get looks but most of the time are too busy enjoying our times together that we oblivious to it. Funny thing is, none of this bothers us. In our home he has gotten use to my "beauty procedures" and I have gotten use to his strange "gourmet habits" all of which we find entertaining. If I were to marry my husband all over again...I would. I love my hubby:)
This topic is interesting. Love is Love,it doesn't matter whether one is black or white. However,we all have preferences and one is free to date the person of their own choice.
i think Black women and White men are the best combination. they have stunning offspring and seem to be happier because the relationship is based on love, not appearance... and i love this blog xxx i personally dont like black men. they seem to be more violent, and ugly. even though my father is black, i dont like black men in general. white boys, or mixed indian is more my cup of tea xxx what about you? i think indians are stunning people, especially the women... but not prettier than black angels ... what do you think? xx
Personally, it doesn't really bother me to see any interracial couples. My mom was adopted and my family is all different colors. Chinese, Hispanic, black, german, and native american. The past few years I seemed to be very attracted to a number of white men. I used to get teased a lot, and people would make comments to me. But I don't really care anymore. I can't really help who I am attracted to. I'm a black female and I just happen to really like white men. A friend of mine who I am completely crazy over is a white guy. (He's gorgeous, btw! lol!) So it doesn't really bother me. My father is married to a white woman and my step bro's and sis' are all white. I just think if you're with the person you love nothing else matters.
Well i happen to be a black woman.And i personally find it quite interesting to date interacially. Men are men no matter what race. And instead of focusing on what color someone is focus on the "real" Does this person do it for you or not. Since i can remember i have adored white males and dont think anything of it. I was raised around every race imaginable. So who gives a d** what a black man may think of you. Honestly its quite amusing how controlling some people can be. All in all everyone is entitled to their opinion. Always exercise your right of free choice.Dont be a coward.
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