Saturday, August 30, 2008

Taking the bait

So McCain chose a woman to be his vice presidential running mate. The act in and of itself is great but I'm not convinced on the motives. She is very young and in my belief less experienced than Obama, an aspect McCain loved to criticize Obama for (she's got 13 years of experience and no foreign policy experience, only two years as a governor of Alaska and the Republicans try to build up her military experience by saying she lead the Alaskan national guard for two years- not convinced). Republicans are hoping her presence will sway some Hilary supporters who were looking to change history with a woman for president. Well this Hilary supporter (and now Obama supporter) is not taking the bait.

Why would I vote for McCain simply because he has a woman VP? I mean, isn't that their sole reason for believing she would help take away possible Obama votes? Palin and Hilary do not share hardly any views. Palin is pro life, pro guns and shares Bushe's failed economic policies. So, again, outside of her sex, why would I vote for McCain? Does he really believe women are that unintelligent that we would fall for the hype? Newt Gingrich said on the Today show that he urged McCain not to pick a typical older white male as a running mate which he points out Obama did. Looks alone should not be the factor in picking a VP. In addition, if we are going on looks, I think Obama's look changes the face of politics enough so I think his pick of Biden, if we're going on Newt's superficial stance alone, was just fine.

Some are worried for Obama's camp because of this change but I'm not. I might check out the Republican convention to get an idea about her. After all Palin was a former beauty queen and Ms. Congeniality. Maybe her personality could sway some voters. But for serious voters, she's going to need more than a smile. She's going to need to distance herself from all the negativity of the Bush administration and show that even though she's young and not too experienced she can pick up the torch should McCain not be able to.

As an aside though, I must say, it is a change in politics if the normal faces are recognizing that voters are now open and ready for new types of faces in our government. There may come a day when the presidential candidates for Republicans and Democrats could both be women and/or minorities.

Vote or Shut Up!


clnmike said...

The move stinks of desperation, but onething for sure, it is now garunteed that history will be made.

Diva's Thoughts said...

I am convinced that McCain's choice will come to bite him in the butt. Palin wil be a detriment, not an asset.

She is to green and it's an insult that he thinks we can be persuaded by obvious manipulation. Women are not interchangable so just putting any ol' woman on the ticket is an out and out insult.

Unknown said...

Mike is right. Either way some type of history will be made.

Are people going to look at that or the real issue?

And it is strange that McCain focuses on Obama lack of experience then picks someone as running mate with even less then the guy he is running against.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

it is going to back fire on mccain

and hats off to phyllis wheatly on this day

Erika 2004 said...

I agree. I think that this move could truly blow up in McCain's face. Most Americans are not that stupid and would probably not appreciate this most blatant display of manipulation.