Thursday, April 17, 2008

Watch Out Now!

According to the Associated Press and Yahoo News, polls are showing that Republican’s are no longer the underdog for the race for the white house. With all the in fighting with the Democrats, McCain is winning back unhappy republicans, some independents and even some democrats.

The Horror! There is nothing we can do but I believe two things should happen to help the Democrats have a greater chance or get back to where they were months ago. There needs to be a democratic winner soon so that they can start campaigning against McCain. They can’t really afford to wait until the end of the summer when McCain already has a jump and pretty much has allowed Clinton and Obama to do most of the mudslinging for him while he goes, for the most part, untouched. I know Clinton and Obama have made remarks concerning McCain’s suitability as leader but if they keep focusing on each other, more importantly if the media keeps just focusing on their verbal battles against one another, the public will continue to get turned off by them. I’m already now feeling like a kid who has her ears covered while mommy and daddy fight!

The second thing that needs to happen is that who ever loses needs to kiss and make up with the winner to ensure that their supporters don’t run to McCain or just not vote if their democratic candidate doesn’t win. Therefore, if Clinton loses she must make a statement that lets the public know that she fully supports Barak and thinks all those who supported her should vote for him. And she must do this often enough and make it known that he is a good leader in spite of what she said during campaigning and focus on how McCain won’t cut it. Then her supporters, hopefully, won’t run off and refuse to vote or vote McCain in retaliation. Same goes for Barak. Basically the two candidates need to restore their images and chop down McCain’s but that won’t happen if they continue to battle so someone needs to concede soon!


Pan/Thanatos said...

At this point, the loosing dem is going to get VP, so they have no choice but to make up. =)
What I'm afraid of is that this whole "change" coaster the country is on will die out. Obama's base is largely that he'll change the face of the US. Once we actually get to the election, people might realize that an old white guy is about all the change they want. That's been the pattern the past couple elections.

Not Your Average Male said...

Ahhhh... say it ain't so!

Actually, I can see your point -- but I'd hate to see it end that way. I want the people to decide every step of the way. Hopefully the primaries next week will help us fish out some answers from this mess.